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Worms can affect cats, dogs and humans so it is important to worm your pet regularly.  We recommend the use of a complete wormer that covers tapeworm, roundworm and lungworm.


How Often Should I Worm?

Worming treatments don’t offer long term immunity so it’s an aspect of their health that you really should keep on top of, if you want to protect your pet, and your family.

Experts recommend that you worm your pet at least four times a year,* however certain pets may require worming more regularly. Check out our worm assessment to find out what’s recommended for your pet or talk to your vet – there are lots of factors that affect it from age to tendency to scavenge. It’s important to get it right to protect your pet and family.


Find out how often to worm your pet using our Worm Risk Checker

Worm RIsk Assessment

FREE Text and Email Reminders

Life is busy so we can make it easier to remember when to give your pet their worming treatment.  Our FREE text and email reminder service will help to keep your pet and family protected from worms.

Regular Worming is Vital

Worming regularly, and with a broad spectrum, ‘vet strength’ treatment, is the only way to ensure any worms already inside aren’t allowed to mature and go on to affect your pet’s health.

In western Europe 44% of the population have been infected by the Toxocara (roundworm) worm at some point in their lives.

(Strube, C, Heuer, L & Janecek, E: Vet Parasitol. 193 (2013) iv 375-389)

Risk to owners

Tapeworm and toxocara (a type of roundworm) are the most common types of worm transferred from dogs and cats to their unsuspecting owners.

Those most at risk are children, the elderly and those with reduced immune systems but everyone should get into the habit of washing their hands regularly, especially before eating, and ensuring the family pet is wormed at regular intervals with a vet strength wormer will get rid of any of the most common worm infestations.

80% of children kiss their pet. That conjures up a lovely image, until you are hit with the realisation that those pets may have just ingested worm eggs.

Worms can easily pass from pets to people, through:

  • Grooming
  • Stroking
  • Licking owner’s faces
  • Even the family home (think the soil in the garden, sand in the sandpit, play areas etc)
Risk to your pet

Unfortunately, cats and dogs are prone to picking up parasites such as worms but more often than not, they do not show any outward symptoms.

That is not to say that the worms don’t do any harm. Different types of worms can cause different issues for both your pet’s health, and that of your family, so while this may not make for particularly pleasant reading, it is a subject worth understanding…

See below for information on the different worms.